Guitar Lessons from Registered Guitar Tutors

Just enter your postcode and click "Search" to see a list of guitar tutors near you, or search on a suname or town.

Click on the "info" symbol to see the grade, styles and level a guitar tutor teaches. (This page lists our UK based guitar tutors. Our world-wide members can be found on the Non-UK guitar tutors page.)

Key to the symbols can be found at the bottom of this page.


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NEW - online guitar lessons

Many of our registered tutors provide online lessons (e.g. Skype lessons).

This is becoming a popular method of learning as it avoids travel time and also you can have lessons from your preferred tutor no matter where they are in the world!

Please visit our online teachers page for a list of all RGT@LCM Registered Tutors who provide online lessons.

Guitar Lessons

Need a guitar teacher? Look no further. Find registered guitar teachers in your area.

Electric and acoustic guitar, bass guitar or classical guitar teachers.

Finding a teacher in your area

You can search for a tutor by post code. Just enter your post code and you will be given a list of all the tutors close to you.

You can also search for tutors who provide guitar lessons in a particular town or county.

A contact telephone number is given for each tutor. Or click on the more info link (+) for more details about a particular tutor.

Finding a teacher that's right for you

Successful tuition is dependent upon the establishment of a good relationship and rapport between student and teacher. This is a very individual matter. A tutor who's ideal for one student may not be the perfect choice for another.

Before committing to a course of guitar lessons it is important to discuss your needs and interests fully with the tutor and perhaps book a couple of trial lessons.

It's your choice

Before being listed in this Directory all tutors have completed registration forms detailing their teaching and playing experience. References have been successfully applied for in all cases and tutors have been obliged to declare any previous criminal convictions. However, a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check of the tutors listed in this directory has not been viewed or applied for by the owners of this website and therefore no guarantee of their suitability or safety credentials can be given. The information in regard to levels of skills and styles taught is provided by individual tutors and published in good faith. RGT@LCM makes no warranty whatsoever or in any respect on behalf of tutors listed within this Directory. It remains in all cases entirely the student's/parent's responsibility to assess the authenticity and suitability of any prospective tutor. We advise all students/parents to complete their own reference checks.

Tutor's web sites

Some of our tutors have their own web site. Look for the "www" sign.


wwwlink to the tutor's website
tutor is a member of the Pick Up And Play scheme
Experienced RGT@LCM Exam Tutor RGT@LCM recognise this tutor as having a good knowledge of and having entered a large number of candidates for the RGT@LCM exams

This is some info for testing


General Enquiries: 020 8231 2751 -
Membership Enquiries: 020 8231 2055 -

RGT@LCM, University of West London, St Mary's Road, London W5 5RF


Honorary Patrons

Sir Paul McCartney, David Gilmour, Hank Marvin, Ronnie Wood, Suzi Quatro, Carlos Bonell, Neil Murray, Gordon Giltrap, John Etheridge, John Illsley, Glenn Tilbrook, Dave Kelly

(v: 8.1.32)